7 Myths About SMILE Laser Eye Surgery & Real Patient Reviews
(Originally pubished on Apr 5, 2019) It’s not unusual to feel uncomfortable with the idea of a laser vision correction procedure. After all, this is a procedure that involves your eyes and how you see the world around you. It may also make it harder to give a procedure like SMILE a chance because many […]
Laser Eye Surgery: Addressing 5 Common Fears
We all dream of having perfect eyesight, yet for many of us, the thought of laser eye surgery or laser vision correction can be worrisome. After all, it’s not always easy to endure the thought of someone performing a procedure on your eyes. Many people consider LASIK and similar eye procedures, but they put their […]
Post LASIK: What Happens After Surgery?
Congratulations! You decided that LASIK treatment was right for you and your vision problems. Post-LASIK: The question for most people now, is what can you expect after your surgery is completed? There’s no one-size fits all guide for what happens after LASIK procedures. As different people can respond to treatment in different ways. The good news […]