Pre & Post Op Instructions


Pred-Moxi Antibiotic

We will provide Pre-Moxi antibiotic drops on the day of your procedure. As a courtesy to our patients, we provide the first bottle of antibiotics complimentary. Every bottle of antibiotics thereafter is a charge of $45.00 to the patient.

Before Procedure Care

  • Remove your SOFT contact lenses at least 3-7 days or HARD/ RGP contact lenses at least 4 weeks prior to your procedure. Consider staying out of your contact lenses for over 7 days
  • We will not be able to perform your procedure if contact lenses are worn.
  • Use preservative-free artificial tears every two hours.
  • Wash your eyelashes and use a warm compress daily for at least 5-10 minutes.
  • You must arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure.
  • Wash your hair the night before or on the morning of your procedure.
  • Eat prior to your appointment. You need to go home and sleep immediately after the procedure.
  • No caffeine (4) hours prior to the procedure (no soda, tea, or coffee).
  • The doctor may prescribe additional medications pre-operatively to treat dry eyes. Instructions on how to use the medications will be given prior to your procedure.
  • Do not wear make-up on the day of the procedure. Clean off all make-up including mascara the night before and again, the morning of.
  • Do not wear any cologne/perfume/face lotion or moisturizer on the day of the procedure.

Procedure Day

  • Use NON-PRESERVATIVE artificial tears (in the small vials) every hour upon awakening on the day of your procedure. Avoid touching your eyes with the tip of the vial.
  • If applicable to you, do not use Lid Hygiene or Restasis on the day of procedure.
  • Please bring extra clothing; the procedure room is kept cool to ensure maximal performance of the laser.
  • Arrive at your check-in time and plan to be at our center for approximately 3 hours.
  • You will be given a Meloxicam tablet upon check-in. Please notify the staff if you are allergic to NSAIDs or ibuprofen.
  • Please turn off cell phones before entering the procedure room and do not chew gum during the procedure.
  • Advise the surgeon if you feel the need to cough, swallow or move during the procedure.
  • Do not wear hooded apparel.

After Procedure Care

  • Go straight home. You may feel some irritation after the anesthetic wears off, and your eye(s) may be tearing during the first few hours after your procedure. Keep your eyes closed during the first 8 hours after your procedure.
  • Rest your eyes as much as possible until your first post-operative visit. (A dark room is best for your comfort).
  • Do not open your eyes quickly if you feel your eyes are “sticky” or are hard to open. Place drops of Artificial Tears on your eyelash line and let it seep into your eyes before slowly opening your eyes.
  • When instilling drops, look up and drop in lower eyelids to avoid the tip from contacting your eyes. Close your eyes lightly without squeezing. Place pressure between the inner corner of your eyes and the bridge of your nose. Please wait 2 minutes between instilling different eye drops.
  • You may use NON-PRESERVATIVE artificial tears (in the vials, not bottle) as often as needed immediately after the procedure. (Brands include: Oasis, Blink, Theratears, Systane, Refresh).
  • Medications – There may be various drops that the doctor will prescribe for you to use after your procedure. You will receive these instructions on the day of your procedure.

Things to Avoid After the Procedure

  • Do not attempt to drive until you can do so safely.
  • Do not rub, bump, squeeze, or directly touch your eyes for 2 days.
  • Wait until the next day after your procedure to shower or wash your face or hair, if water gets in your eyes, rinse with artificial tears.
  • Exercise caution when dealing with your eyes; be careful not to touch the eye directly.
  • You can wear eye makeup (eg. eyeshadow) 24 hours after your procedure. Non-eye makeup should be fine to use after your post-op exam.
  • Try not to get water, soap, sweat, or cosmetics into your eyes. If anything gets into your eyes, please rinse them out with artificial tears.
  • After 24 hours, you may resume normal activities such as swimming and other forms of exercise
  • Be careful around children and animals because they have the tendency to reach for the eyes.

As Your Eye Heals

  • As the cornea heals you may experience the following side effects, which will gradually improve within the first few weeks to the next couple of months.
  • Your vision will be blurry immediately after the procedure, but will improve over the next few days.
  • It is common to experience fluctuating vision, halos or glare around lights, particularly at night. These symptoms will slowly improve in the following months.
  • You may experience sensitivity to light. Sunglasses, especially polarized sunglasses can help decrease glare. We recommend Maui Jim polarized sunglasses.
  • You may have redness or red spots on your eyes; these will resolve in several weeks.
  • Most patients resume their normal activity and return to work within 1-2 days after their procedure.
  • Remember to always wear protective goggles for two days while participating in activities that may cause injury to the eyes.

When to Call Your Doctor

  • Increased pain after your first post-operative visit.
  • Discharge or increased redness.
  • Abrupt changes in vision
  • Please call IQ Laser Vision at 626.854.2020 or your co-managing doctor.

Pred-Moxi Antibiotic

We will provide Pre-Moxi antibiotic drops on the day of your procedure. As a courtesy to our patients, we provide the first bottle of antibiotics complimentary. Every bottle of antibiotics thereafter is a charge of $45.00 to the patient.

Before Procedure Care

  • Remove your SOFT contact lenses at least 3-7 days or HARD/ RGP contact lenses at least 4 weeks prior to your procedure. Consider staying out of your contact lenses for over 7 days.
  • We will not be able to perform your procedure if contact lenses are worn.
  • Use preservative-free artificial tears every 2 hours.
  • Wash your eyelashes and use a warm compress daily for at least 5-10 minutes.
  • You must arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure.
  • Wash your hair the night before or on the morning of your procedure.
  • Eat prior to your appointment. You need to go home and sleep immediately after the procedure.
  • No caffeine (4) hours prior to the procedure (no soda, tea, or coffee).
  • The doctor may prescribe additional medications pre-operatively to treat dry eyes. Instructions on how to use the medications will be given prior to your procedure.
  • Do not wear make-up on the day of the procedure. Clean off all make-up including mascara the night before and again, the morning of.
  • Do not wear any cologne/perfume/face lotion or moisturizer on the day of the procedure.

Procedure Day

  • Use NON-PRESERVATIVE artificial tears (in the small vials) every hour upon awakening on the day of your procedure. Avoid touching your eyes with the tip of the vial.
  • If applicable to you, do not use Lid Hygiene or Restasis on the day of procedure.
  • Please bring extra clothing; the procedure room is kept cool to ensure maximal performance of the laser.
  • Arrive at your check-in time and plan to be at our center for approximately 3 hours.
  • You will be given a Meloxicam and Tylenol tablet upon check-in. Please notify the staff if you are allergic to NSAIDs or ibuprofen
  • Please turn off cell phones before entering the procedure room and do not chew gum during the procedure.
  • Advise the surgeon if you feel the need to cough, swallow or move during the procedure
  • Do not wear hooded apparel.

After Procedure Care

  • Go straight home. You may feel some irritation after the anesthetic wears off, and your eye(s) may be tearing during the first few hours after your procedure. Take the provided sleeping pill. Keep your eyes closed during the first 8 hours after your procedure.
  • Keep your eye shield(s) on until the morning after the procedure. The shield(s) must be kept and worn while napping or sleeping for 2 weeks following your procedure.
  • Rest your eyes as much as possible until your first post-operative visit. (A dark room is best for your comfort).
  • Do not open your eyes quickly if you feel your eyes are “sticky” or are hard to open. Place drops of Artificial Tears on your eyelash line and let it seep into your eyes before slowly opening your eyes.
  • When instilling drops, look up and drop in lower eyelids to avoid the tip from contacting your eyes. Close your eyes lightly without squeezing. Place pressure between the inner corner of your eyes and the bridge of your nose. Please wait 2 minutes between instilling different eye drops.
  • You may use NON-PRESERVATIVE artificial tears (in the vials, not bottle) as often as needed immediately after the procedure. (Brands include: Oasis, Blink, Theratears, Systane, Refresh)
  • The doctor may place a contact lens on your eye(s) post-operatively. If the lens comes out, preserve it in the contact lens case with solution. DO NOT throw it away. Call us immediately if there is extreme pain.
  • Medications – There may be various drops that the doctor will prescribe for you to use after your procedure. You will receive these instructions on the day of your procedure. Things to Avoid After the Procedure
  • Do not attempt to drive until you can do so safely.
  • Do not rub, bump, squeeze, or directly touch your eyes for 2 weeks.
  • Wait until the next day after your procedure to shower or wash your face or hair, if water gets in your eyes, rinse with artificial tears.
  • Exercise caution when dealing with your eyes; be careful not to touch the eye directly.
  • Do not wear eye makeup (eg. eyeshadow) for 2 weeks.
  • Try not to get water, soap, sweat, or cosmetics into your eyes. If anything gets into your eyes, please rinse them out with artificial tears.
  • Be careful around children and animals because they have the tendency to reach for the eyes.
  • Do not swim or participate in any sports that could cause injury to your eyes during the 2 week healing period.

As Your Eye Heals

  • As the cornea heals you may experience the following side effects, which will gradually improve within the first few weeks to the next couple of months.
  • Your vision will be blurry immediately after the procedure, but will improve over the next few days.
  • It is common to experience fluctuating vision, halos or glare around lights, particularly at night. These symptoms will slowly improve in the following months.
  • You may experience sensitivity to light. Sunglasses, especially polarized sunglasses can help decrease glare. We recommend Maui Jim polarized sunglasses.
  • You may have redness or red spots on your eyes; these will resolve in several weeks.
  • Most patients resume their normal activity and return to work within 1-2 days after their procedure.
  • Remember to always wear protective goggles for two days while participating in activities that may cause injury to the eyes.

When to Call Your Doctor

  • Increased pain after your first post-operative visit.
  • Discharge or increased redness.
  • Abrupt changes in vision
  • Please call IQ Laser Vision at 626.854.2020 or your co-managing doctor.

Pred-Moxi Antibiotic

We will provide Pre-Moxi antibiotic drops on the day of your procedure. As a courtesy to our patients, we provide the first bottle of antibiotics complimentary. Every bottle of antibiotics thereafter is a charge of $45.00 to the patient.

Before Procedure Care

  • Remove your SOFT contact lenses at least 3 days or HARD/ RGP contact lenses at least 4 weeks prior to your procedure.
  • We will not be able to perform your procedure if contact lenses are worn.
  • You must arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure.
  • Wash your hair the night before or on the morning of your procedure.
  • Eat prior to your appointment. You need to go home and sleep immediately after the procedure.
  • No caffeine (4) hours prior to the procedure (no soda, tea, or coffee).
  • The doctor may prescribe additional medications such as Restasis/Cequa/Xiidra preoperatively to treat dry eyes. Instructions on how to use the medications will be given prior to your procedure.
  • Do not wear make-up on the day of the procedure. Clean off all make-up including mascara the night before and again, the morning of.
  • Do not wear any cologne/perfume/face lotion or moisturizer on the day of the procedure.
  • Bring your Preventive Eye Care Package bag on procedure day.

Procedure Day

  • Use NON-PRESERVATIVE artificial tears (in the small vials) every hour upon awakening on the day of your procedure. Avoid touching your eyes with the tip of the vial.
  • If applicable to you, do not use Lid Hygiene or Restasis on the day of procedure.
  • Please bring extra clothing; the procedure room is kept cool to ensure maximal performance of the laser.
  • Arrive at your check-in time and plan to be at our center for approximately 3 hours.
  • You will be given a Meloxicam tablet upon check-in. Please notify the staff if you are allergic to NSAIDs or ibuprofen.
  • Please turn off cell phones before entering the procedure room and do not chew gum during the procedure.
  • Advise the surgeon if you feel the need to cough, swallow or move during the procedure.
  • Do not wear hooded apparel.

After Procedure Care

  • Go straight home. You may feel some irritation after the anesthetic wears off, and your eye(s) may be tearing during the first few hours after your procedure. Take the provided sleeping pill. Keep your eyes closed during the first 8 hours after your procedure.
  • Keep your eye shield(s) on until the morning after the procedure. The shield(s) must be kept and worn while napping or sleeping for 2 weeks following your procedure.
  • Rest your eyes as much as possible until your first post-operative visit. (A dark room is best for your comfort).
  • Do not open your eyes quickly if you feel your eyes are “sticky” or are hard to open. Place drops of Artificial Tears on your eyelash line and let it seep into your eyes before slowly opening your eyes.
  • When instilling drops, look up and drop in lower eyelids to avoid the tip from contacting your eyes. Close your eyes lightly without squeezing. Place pressure between the inner corner of your eyes and the bridge of your nose. Please wait 2 minutes between different eye drops.
  • You may use NON-PRESERVATIVE artificial tears (in the vials ONLY) as often as needed immediately after the procedure. (Brands include: Oasis, Blink, Theratears, Systane, Refresh)
  • Vitamin C will be provided on the day of your procedure. Be sure to take1000mg once per day with meals to aid your recovery.
  • The doctor will place a contact lens on your eye(s) post-operatively that will be removed at your first post-operative visit. If the lens comes out, preserve it in the contact lens case with solution. DO NOT throw it away. Call us immediately if there is extreme pain.
  • The bandage contact lens will be removed 5-9 days after the procedure. Place a drop of preservative-free artificial tears every 30 minutes during the first two weeks.
  • Medications – There may be various drops that the doctor will prescribe for you to use after your procedure. You will receive these instructions on the day of your procedure.

Things to Avoid After the Procedure

  • Do not attempt to drive until you can do so safely.
  • Do not rub, bump, squeeze, or directly touch your eyes for 2 weeks.
  • Wait until the next day after your procedure to shower or wash your face or hair, if water gets in your eyes, rinse with artificial tears.
  • Exercise caution when dealing with your eyes; be careful not to touch the eye directly.
  • You can wear light eye makeup (eg. eyeshadow) 24 hours after your procedure. Non-eye makeup should be fine to use after your post-op exam.
  • Try not to get water, soap, sweat, or cosmetics into your eyes. If anything gets into your eyes, please rinse them out with artificial tears.
  • Be careful around children and animals because they have the tendency to reach for the eyes.
  • Do not swim or participate in any sports that could cause injury to your eyes during the 2 week healing period. 24 hours after your procedure, non-contact exercise such as walking, jogging, and light aerobics is acceptable with caution.
  • Wear sunglasses in direct sunlight to minimize possible complications post-surgery

As Your Eye Heals

  • As the cornea heals you may experience the following side effects, which will gradually improve within the first few weeks to the next couple of months.
  • Your vision will be blurry immediately after the procedure but will improve over the next few days.
  • It is common to experience fluctuating vision, halos or glare around lights, particularly at night. These symptoms will slowly improve in the following months.
  • You may experience sensitivity to light. Sunglasses, especially polarized sunglasses can help decrease glare.
  • You may have redness or red spots on your eyes; these will resolve in approximately 2 weeks.
  • Most patients resume their normal activity and return to work within 1-2 days after their procedure.
  • Remember to always wear protective goggles when participating in activities that may cause injury to the eyes.

When to Call Your Doctor

  • Increased pain after your first post-operative visit.
  • Discharge or increased redness.
  • Abrupt changes in vision
  • Please call IQ Laser Vision at 626.854.2020 or your co-managing doctor

Pred-Moxi Antibiotic

We will provide Pre-Moxi antibiotic drops on the day of your procedure. As a courtesy to our patients, we provide the first bottle of antibiotics complimentary. Every bottle of antibiotics thereafter is a charge of $45.00 to the patient.

Before Procedure Care

  • Remove SOFT contact lenses at least 3 days, SOFT TORIC lenses at least 1 week, or GAS PERMEABLE lenses 4 weeks before your measurements are taken or as instructed by the doctor. After the lens measurements, you may wear your lenses again until one day before your procedure.
  • We will not be able to perform your procedure if contact lenses are worn.
  • If you take blood thinners, you will be asked to discontinue them 5 days before your procedure, with the approval of your internist.
  • Your medical history profile may need to be approved by your internist. (Applies to patients over the age of 60.)
  • Bring all medications with you on the procedure day.
  • Do not wear any make-up on the day of the procedure. Clean off all make-up including mascara the night before and again, the morning of.
  • Do not wear any cologne/perfume/face lotion or moisturizer on the day of the procedure
  • You must arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure.
  • You must return the day after the procedure for a post-operative appointment, and you may need someone to drive you on this visit.
  • Bring your Preventive Eye Care Package bag on procedure day.

Procedure Day

  • Arrive at your check-in time and plan to be at our center for approximately 2-3 hours.
  • Please bring extra clothing; the procedure room is kept cool to ensure maximal performance of the laser.
  • Please turn cell phones and pagers off before entering the procedure room.
  • Please do not chew gum during the procedure.
  • Advise the surgeon if you feel the need to cough, swallow or move during the procedure.
  • Do not wear hooded apparel.

After Procedure Care

  • You may feel irritation and your eye(s) may be tearing during the first few hours following your procedure. Keep your eyes closed during the first 4 hours after your procedure.
  • You may experience blurriness or haziness for the first few days after your procedure.
  • Medications – There may be various drops that the doctor will prescribe for you to use after your procedure. You will receive these instructions on the day of your procedure.
  • You may use NON-PRESERVATIVE artificial tears as often as needed immediately after the procedure.
  • One week after your procedure you may use PRESERVATIVE artificial tears (bottle form – eg. Refresh, Systane, Optive, Theratears) up to 4 times per day. This may be purchased at any drug store, such as CVS Pharmacy, Walgreens, Target, etc.)
  • When instilling drops, look up and place in lower eyelids to avoid the bottle from contacting your eyes. Close your eyes lightly without squeezing. Place pressure between the inner corner of your eyes and the bridge of your nose. Please wait 2 minutes between instilling different eye drops.
  • Make sure you bring your medications for your follow-up appointments.
  • Expect to come to the office on post-operative day 1, day 7, and 3 months after your procedure and as instructed by your doctor.
  • Continue to take any regular medication for any health conditions as ordered by your family physician.
  • Plastic shield(s) must be worn while napping or sleeping for 2 weeks after the procedure.
  • You may return to your normal activities on the same day as your procedure, if you feel up to it.
  • You may shower the next day after your procedure.

Things to Avoid After the Procedure

  • When you shower or bath, avoid getting soap/water directly in the operative eye(s) for 2 weeks after your procedure.
  • Avoid bumping or rubbing your eyes for 2 weeks after your procedure.
  • Avoid swimming, hot tubs, and water sports for 2 weeks.
  • Do not drive a car or operate heavy machinery for at least 24 hours, and after that, not until you feel comfortable with your level of vision.
  • Do not lift more than 15 lbs. or bend past your waist for 1 week.
  • Do not wear eye make-up (eyeliner or mascara) for 2 weeks following your procedure. Other types of facial make-up are acceptable.

As Your Eye Heals

  • It is not unusual to have double, blurry, or fluctuating vision for 3 to 7 days after your procedure.
  • A scratchy, itchy feeling or minor discomfort from the incision in the operative eye(s) is common for the first 3 to 5 days following your procedure.

When to Call Your Doctor

  • Severe eye pain.
  • Throbbing or loss of vision.
  • Heavy eye pressure.
  • Please call IQ Laser Vision at 626.854.2020 or your co-managing doctor for immediate assistance.

Before Procedure Care

  • If you are currently taking Motrin or Aspirin, consult with your physician and if possible please discontinue one week before your procedure.
  • We will not be able to perform your procedure if contact lenses are worn.
  • You must arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure.
  • You must return 5-7 days after the procedure for a post-operative appointment.
  • No caffeine (4) hours prior to the procedure.
  • Pick up your prescription of anti-inflammatory drops at a local pharmacy. Shake the medication well, place 1 drop every 6 hours starting 2 days prior to your procedure.
  • Do not wear make-up on the day of the procedure. Clean off all make-up including mascara the night before and again, the morning of.
  • Do not wear any cologne/perfume/face lotion or moisturizer on the day of the procedure.
  • Bring your Preventive Eye Care Package bag on procedure day.

Procedure Day

  • Arrive at your check-in time and plan to be at our center for approximately 2 hours.
  • Your eye(s) will be anesthetized with topical eye drops so you will experience minimal discomfort.
  • Please bring extra clothing; the procedure room is kept cool to ensure maximal performance of the laser.
  • Please turn cell phones and pagers off before entering the procedure room.
  • Please do not chew gum during the procedure.
  • Advise the surgeon if you feel the need to cough, swallow or move during the procedure.

After Procedure Care

  • When instilling drops, look up and place in lower eyelids to avoid the bottle from contacting your eyes. Close your eyes lightly without squeezing. Place pressure between the inner corner of your eyes and the bridge of your nose. Please wait 2 minutes between instilling different eye drops.
  • Keep your Eye Shield(s) on until the morning after the procedure. The shield(s) must be worn while napping or sleeping for 2 weeks.
  • Rest your eyes as much as possible the first day after your procedure. (A dark room is best for your comfort). Avoid squeezing your eyes.
  • You must wear sunglasses when you’re outside at all times even when hazy.
  • Try to stay away from polluted areas which may cause irritation. For example: smoke, dust.
  • You may return to your normal daily activities the following day. You must avoid swimming for 2 weeks following your procedure.
  • Medications – There may be various drops that the doctor will prescribe for you to use after your procedure. You will receive these instructions on the day of your procedure.
  • Using the anti-inflammatory drops as prescribed is extremely important in order to prevent post-op complications and recurrence of the Pterygium.
  • Do not attempt to drive until you can do so safely
  • Do not wear hooded apparel.

Things to Avoid After the Procedure

  • Do not rub, bump or squeeze your eyes for 2 weeks.
  • Be careful around children because they have the tendency to reach for the eyes.
  • Do not get soap, water or eye make-up (mascara/eyeliner) into the operated eye(s) for 2 weeks.
  • Do not attempt to drive until you can do so safely.
  • Do not wear eye make-up for 1 week following your procedure.
  • Wait until the next day after your procedure to shower or wash your face or hair, if water gets in your eyes, rinse with artificial tears. Do not swim or participate in vigorous sports, anything that could come in contact or hit your eyes, for 2 weeks. Non-contact exercise such as walking, jogging and light aerobics is okay.

As Your Eye Heals

  • As the cornea heals you may experience the following side effects, which will gradually improve within the first few weeks to a couple of months.
  • You may experience sensitivity to light. Sunglasses, especially polarized sunglasses can help decrease glare.
  • Your eyes will be red for up to 4 weeks.
  • Most patients resume their normal activity and return to work within 1-2 days after their procedure.

When to Call Your Doctor

  • Increased pain after the first day after procedure.
  • Discharge or increased redness.
  • Abrupt changes in vision
  • Please call IQ Laser Vision at 626.854.2020 or your co-managing doctor for immediate assistance
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Our Locations

Daly City (San Francisco)
El Cerrito / Contra Costa – Ellis Eye
Gilroy – Ellis Eye
Houston – Golden Vision
Houston – Mattioli Vision Professionals
Los Angeles
Riverside – Eye Surgery Center
Rowland Heights
San Marino
San Ramon (Dublin)
Santa Clara (Cupertino)
Sherman Oaks
Tracy – Ellis Eye (Temporarily closed. Virtual appointments available.)
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