Not all vision correction facilities are created the same. When doing your LASIK research and comparing vision-correction facilities the distinction really comes down to the results you are able to achieve. These results can vary depending on the quality of the equipment just as much as the surgeon operating.
At IQ Laser Vision , we strive to maintain the latest in vision-correction technology so that our team of surgeons can help you achieve crystal-clear vision. Understanding the equipment and properly maintaining them is imperative. Our equipment are all professionally maintained by the manufacturer directly, not a third-party service company.
By offering a wide array of vision correction options to our patients and providing ample information to better educate our patients about laser vision correction, IQ Laser Vision remains a leader in the vision correction field. Wondering what equipment we have?
Below is a list of some of the top of the line equipment we use to help you achieve clear vision!
Zeiss VisuMax

Powered by a high-performance femtosecond laser technology, the Zeiss VisuMax provides our surgeon the ability to perform ALL LASER TOPOGRAPHY-GUIDED CUSTOM COMFORT MICRO-LASIK as well as the Zeiss SMILE procedure. The VisuMax laser is the ideal platform for a variety of therapeutic and refractive applications including creation of femtosecond LASIK flaps, the creation of intracorneal tunnel segments for INTAC surgery, Keratoplasty, and most importantly, the ability to perform Zeiss SMILE. Using a curved applanation cone that closely matches the curvature of the eye, the VisuMax laser is able to use much lower vacuum pressure during surgery which results in much greater patient comfort and experience.
Wavelight Allegretto Wave® Eye-Q

The Allegretto Wave Eye-Q Laser is a state-of-the-art surgical laser providing safety, accuracy and customized vision correction. It features CUSTOM WAVEFRONT-OPTIMIZED technology for customized corneal ablation, as well as an advanced eye-tracking system. Each individuals’ eyes are different, this technology enables surgeons to correct a patient’s unique refractive errors while preserving the cornea’s natural shape and minimizing post-procedure effects.
The Allegretto’s one-of-a-kind eye tracking system is able to automatically adjust to changes in a patient’s pupil size during their procedure. The result is a safe and precise vision correction procedure for every patient. Designed to increase efficiency and enhance patient comfort, the Allegretto Wave Eye-Q delivers 400 treatment pulses per second correcting each patient’s refractive errors within seconds.
Nidek Topography-Assisted CATz LASIK

Surgeons are finally able to treat myopic astigmatism with corneal irregularities with the CATz treatment. The CATz treatment provides a customized unique correction for patients utilizing the NIDEK OPD measurement system together with the Final Fit software. Final Fit is NIDEK’s proprietary software that allows custom topography-assisted surgery.
ArcScan Insight 100

The Arcscan Insight 100 is an imaging system that takes highly accurate eye scans. This system ensures that laser vision procedures like All Laser Soft Touch Comfort Micro-LASIK and Zeiss SMILE are safe. There are five of these devices currently available in the country, and IQ Laser Vision is only one of two vision centers to invest in this technology! The Arcscan Insight 100 creates a contact-free ultrasound of the eye while showing its anatomy. It also utilizes corneal topography, which creates individual corneal maps. These ensure that your vision is as stable and reliable as possible after Zeiss SMILE or LASIK.
If you were ever told that you don’t qualify for a laser vision correction procedure, you may qualify now. The Arcscan Insight 100 provides the most accurate picture possible, thanks to extensive tests that other centers simply can’t offer. We use the best tests, technology, and imaging available, meaning that our surgeons end up with the most precise picture of your eye. We can retest your vision using the Arcscan Insight 100’s state-of-the-art technology and find out if visual freedom could be in your future!
Nidek Magellan Corneal Topographer

The Magellan Mapper uses the Corneal Navigator developed by the famed Steve Klyce, PhD and Michael Smolek, PhD to screen for nine different corneal conditions including Pellucid Marginal Degeneration and Keratoconus. With simple keratoconus screening, there are often false positives post operatively and false negatives for Pellucid. Utilizing corneal statistics developed by Dr. Klyce and Dr. Smolek, this neural network software offers capabilities far beyond simple keratoconus screening providing a more extensive analysis and evaluation process.
Nidek OPD

The OPD provides information on corneal topography, wavefront, autorefraction, keratometry and pupillometry in one unit. Sound complicated? It basically provides a very thorough analysis on the overall form of your eyes and its health condition.
NIDEK developed a state-of-the-art imaging and analysis technology specifically to measure normal to highly aberrated eyes. The system offers a variety of data maps to provide information on the total refractive error, wavefront, corneal shape, internal aberrations and visual quality of the eye, allowing highly accurate and reliable information for optic diagnostics. Meaning we will have all the possible information we need on your eyes and vision in order to provide you with the best vision correction options.
Galilei™ Dual Scheimpflug Analyzer

The Dual Scheimpflug Analyzer is a high precision optical system for corneal topography and three dimensional analysis of the anterior eye segment based on a revolving dual-channel Scheimpflug camera and a Placido Disk. This enables us to get a reading of the depths and physical “layout” of your eyes. Imagine seeing a valley of mountains from the sky, the analyzer enables us to see all the different layers and details of the mountains. GALILEI™ combines the advantages of two technologies: Placido imaging furnishes high accuracy curvature data and Scheimpflug imaging is responsible for capturing precise elevation data.
AcuTarget HD

The AcuTarget HD instrument is the one diagnostic tool that helps doctors to actually see what the patient is seeing! Amazing isn’t it? It accurately measures depth of focus, visual quality, tear film and unique ocular landmarks to help doctors select the best treatment option for a broad spectrum of patients including presbyopes, LASIK, cataract and dry eye.

The Cirrus HD-OCT generates high-resolution, cross-sectional and three-dimensional (3D) images of the retina, optic disc and anterior segment through the use of light waves. These measurements aid our doctors with the detection and management of ocular diseases, such as glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, cystoid macular edema, and diabetic eye disease.
Humphrey Field Analyzer

Humphrey Field Analyzer (HFA™) is the accepted standard of care in glaucoma diagnosis and management, it is crucial in helping doctors to evaluate the severity and to monitor progression of ocular diseases resulting in visual field loss. With over 65,000 installed units worldwide, the HFA is the premier automated visual field analyzer.